FNR Tweet

FNR tweets about RegaWatt's Kombi Power System Residual wood 🪵to wood gas - efficiently used! With combined heat and power! The @BMEL project #NawaroEnergy is about R+D of small, robust biomass gasifiers for #wood processing, local heating supply and #agriculture ⬇️https://t.co/cTW1HirZoZ pic.twitter.com/iFHCnOnnE4 - FNR (@FNR_en) June 15, 2021 https://www.fnr.de/presse/pressemitteilungen/aktuelle-mitteilungen/aktuelle-nachricht/regionales-restholz-effizient-verwerten Source: FNR

Cooperation with Polytechnik

Polytechnik Luft- und Feuerungstechnik GmbH from Austria and ReGaWatt GmbH have been working in partnership since October 17, 2019. The first joint order has already been realized in Japan. ReGaWatt would like to thank Polytechnik for the successful cooperation and looks forward to further joint projects. In the picture: Mr. Röhrmoser Klaus (Managing Director ReGaWatt GmbH) and Mr. Schirnhofer Lukas [...]